Saturday, November 20, 2010

Productivity (Days 11 & 12)

skinny jeans, blue sweater, gold flats. worn to work and the bookstore.
ps. there's a necklace. finally wearing accessories!
skinny jeans, purple cami, black low-cut blouse (waaayyy too low cut, thus the cami), black flats. worn to work and grocery shopping.

This has been a crazy hectic week for me. I turned in my Senior Seminar paper, had a big geology test, turned in a project, and had a presentation. Now that the week is over I feel like the semester is over too. I can finally rest and relax and watch movies and read for fun and go shopping etc etc. But then I remember that the classes that have been on the backburner for um... the entire semester! So, because of the awesome Thanksgiving break planned (full of all the stuff I mentioned earlier), I am racing to get all 8 (!!!) assignments/projects/papers finished. 4 down. 4 to go. Going to be productive now!


  1. That blue shirt is beautiful on you. Love the necklace and pop of color in the handbag too!

  2. Both outfits are so cute and classic! Haha you have been much more productive than I Spanish paper is only half written. And what's written is in English...oh dear.

  3. hi ya, I am new to your blog and am also doing the 30 challenge.. I love the pics of your and your husband a few posts back.. the one of you outside in the chair is amazing!!! you have a great smile that really radiates!! And good luck with your fitness goals too, I think the best thing is always to take it slow and steady, which you are doing- I am a triathlete and have read up and know alot about nutrition and health from all my training and our bodies are such amazing machines!!

    will be back to visit soon!! happy mixing, you are rockin the challenge so far!! xoJ

  4. Congrats on finishing some of your work - I hope the rest goes smoothly.

    The Auspicious Life
