Weekend Wrap Up first, because I'm kind of excited about it.
This weekend was my first anniversary with the hubs. Our first year of marriage has been full of ups and downs. We've worked hard to get where we are and I am so happy (and proud) that we've made it to our first anniversary relatively unscathed. I am so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with the most amazing man.
We went out to eat a lot and I did not eat well this weekend. And I'm not beating myself up about it. And I think that's progress... at least psychologically.
Weekly Goal (better late than never)
-I am doing pretty well with the water thing. Actually, I am kind of proud of how I am sticking with it even when I mess up. I am drinking at least 64 ounces each day (except the past weekend) and some days I am drinking more than that. Thanks so much to those who commented on my water post. Your input was very helpful.
-This week, I will focus on not eating so late.
Over the past few years I have developed the habit of eating reallly late. I used to start eating dinner at like 9 or 10. And I have gotten a little better now that I have changed jobs and am working a (mostly) consistent schedule. But I also like to snack after dinner too. I know that not eating past 8 will definitely help me cut down on my late night snacking.
-And a second goal, because I'm feeling ambitious. I will defintiely try to blog more consistently. I only really blog when I'm at work (really hoping my boss doesn't find/read this... lol). I really don't even get on a computer at all on my off days. I just check facebook and twitter from my phone. That's pretty much the extent of my computer use when I'm not at work. But I will really work hard to find some kind of system to blog when I'm not at work.
And, for something not eating/diet/weight/health related:
It's not really a huge secret that the hubs and I are in a lot of debt. It's probably not a secret that I hate paying bills. But this month, I have enjoyed it. I haven't seen the checks as money I wish I had/should have/am entitled to but more as something I'm building for the fututre. I feel like our financial fututre is looking bright. I get so excited about pay day so I can spend all of our money on paying off our debt. And it's empowering to watch the amount we owe dwindle down... to know that in a few short years (of sacrificing things we want) we will be in control of our money. (I am finding that this struggle with our debt is similar to my struggle with weight loss. The only difference is that I am doing much better with the debt thing.) I know that this wouldn't really be possible without the support we've gotten from our families and friends (financial and otherwise) or the blessing we have of a free place to live thanks to my job. I guess that this has been something I've been thinking about lately and I just feel so relieved (especially after the first four months of 2010) and grateful and excited and just so very blessed.
Great attitude on weight loss and also on debt--building for the future! Dave Ramsay would love to hear your thoughts! It's so great when you and your spouse have the same goals for the future, and can remember you're on the same team. Keep up the good work, we're praying for you both.