Monday, June 7, 2010

I be up in the gym just workin on my fitness

you know... to be fergalicious.

I've started to take advantage of my University's Student Activity Center(SAC). I've just decided that I need to do something to be healthy. My family has been posting old pictures on facebook and it really made me realize how bad I've gotten.

I'm lazy and I like to eat. And this combination has led me from "healthy" to "pleasantly plump" right into "there's-no-hiding-it-just-plain-fat." Ironically, as much as I dislike what I see in the mirror everyday I feel much less disgusted with myself than I did before I gained the 100 lbs. I wonder why. Because I know I should feel worse about myself now than I did then.

So anyhow, for now I'm exercising more and trying to eat less. I don't really have a plan. I'd like to look into one. Suggestions?

And I'm working on goals. My brother and stepmother have been getting into 5ks. And there's one near me next month. So I think that is a good short term goal... be able to walk/jog a 5k without dying. Beyond that I'm not sure... maybe I'll ponder fitness/health/weight goals today and post about them later this week (or tomorrow...)

Here's a little inspiration... can I just say looking like this is my long term goal?


  1. I'd like to work out, kinda hard to with two kids and no husband to watch them. I am thinking about trying the 30 day shred when I get back in July. Kinda pointless now since I know I will be eating like a pig when I get home. Chinese, actual Mexican food, and mom's weekend dinners oh and Zaxby's, lol. I have to load up on the good stuff while we are home since I can only get it twice a year. We will have to try go walking a few times while I am home.

  2. Hey! I'm proud of you girl!! It's hard work trying to get in shape... trust me, i'm in your same boat! Love that you started a blog! Wish we could have seen you Sunday! Love ya!
