Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A day late. A dollar Short.

The title has very little to do with this post...

I am so bad about posting my weigh-in results on Mondays... Anyhow, I am here to write about it now... Better late than never, right?
Monday 9/27 : 257lbs. That's another 2 lbs gone!
And now that I am down 13 lbs since the beginning, I am finally starting to see some physical changes in myself. My jeans aren't as tight as they used to be, my face seems to be thinning a bit, shirts that once fit just right are roomier.

While these are good things, there are some small issues I am having with my changing body.

or at least, I can't really go shopping and justify spending any money on clothes that won't fit in a few months.... I can justify spending money on shoes though ;) and so all of my birthday money has been spent on things like shoes and coats... items that will last through my weight loss.

I am kind of planning for the future (I'm not sure if this is something taboo in weight loss, as this is the first time I've actually lost weight.) If I continue losing about 2lbs/week, at Christmas/New Years I will be back to the same size I was when I got married. So, for now that's a big thing to look forward to. For a longer term goal, losing 2lbs/week will put me very very close to my goal weight around my graduation. Of course, I am not putting extra pressure on myself to reach my goal by a certain date (there's enough pressure already with this semester's course load). It's just something nice to think about.

Along with all this good news, I feel the need to confess some of my bad habits too. I am not exercising. I really need to, but I just can't make myself do it. And I hate that. There always seems to be something in the way... Tests, papers, weekly quizzes (side note- who the heck gives weekly quizzes that are as difficult as actual tests?), weather, cramped quarters, laziness. Really it all boils down to laziness. I will try to make an effort to exercise. (But, on the bright side, I am more active in general... I think it has something to do with playing tag for 30 mins twice a week... and I get a grade for it!)

What do you do for exercise? How do you fit it into your schedule?


  1. WOW!!! 13 pounds!

    I feel ya on the clothes issue... but believe me, that is a GOOD problem to have! You can ask for new clothes (aka gift cards) for Christmas. :)

    I know you are a lover of music... why don't you just download some of your favorite tunes or a podcast & walk around campus? Good news is, it seems like exercise isn't something you have to do at the moment to lose weight. For me, I make exercise a priority over everything else. It is something I have to do, period.

    So excited for you!!!

  2. Hey Andrea!
    I am super impressed! I am having the same issues with going shopping right now. None of the pants in my closet currently fit, but I know by December any new pants will be falling off too!
    I have discovered ZUMBA, and through it alone I have lost about 30 lbs. so far. I am now teaching classes in Birmingham, but my former instructor teaches at the Corky Bell in Alabaster on Wednesday and Friday evenings and Saturday Mornings (I think that's still right- her name is Jamie McLellan and you can look her up on if you are interested.

  3. Andrea! I'm so proud of you! The only thing I'm sad about is that I couldn't help you spend your birthday money... however there's still the amount coming from me! Keep it up girl! As for exercising, I've found my good time is at night. If I do it in the morning or during the day I eat like a cow. And also it helps me sleep easier at night. I usually just do one of the machines for 30 mins then an ab work out.

    I've actually be interested in Zumba, I'm just scared I'd make a full of myself at a class if I wasn't coordinated enough. Is Zumba an easy thing to catch on too if you have no rhythym and barely any coordination?
