Thursday, July 1, 2010

Psychological Changes

I love to eat.
I spend most of my day either eating or thinking about eating.

Perhaps I am addicted to food. Maybe I've been thinking about my diet/eating habits in the wrong ways. Maybe I should treat it like an addiction.
For the record, I come from a line of addicts on one side of the family tree and I have flirted with alcohol and drugs and other things equally bad; but at a young age I told myself I wouldn't become an alcoholic/pot head/etc and managed to stop doing those things when it got a little too out of control.

But here I am, addicted to food. Unable to stop myself. Unable to get this under control.

And that is how I will think about this. It's not just a physical change I am trying to achieve but a psychological one as well. If I want to change the outside, I need to change the inside too.

Today I got an e-mail from livestrong (a website I have loved since my sister-in-law, Jenise, told me about it). Instead of deleting the e-mail right away (I love the website, but don't have a whole lot of time to read all the e-mails) I decided to go to the article it suggested, and was (and still am) really inspired to make this change happen.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure that this is my problem, too, and has been for a long time. But just because it is hard for us doesn't mean that it's impossible! I think we can both reach our goals if we try hard enough!
